We present the exclusive Caccioppoli fabric jackets for our discerning customers.
Truly Neapolitan at its core, Cacciopoli is revered around Italy as one of the legendary cloth merchants for almost a century and is the choice of high class sartoria around the world.
Driven by a desire to expand their business horizons, Vincenzo Caccioppoli along with his two eldest sons Raffaelle and Salvatore decided to emigrate from Naples, Italy to Bogota in Colombia. There they started the business of importing textiles from Biella, Italy and New York. This is how the foundation of F.lli Caccioppoli was established in one of the public squares of the city called 'Almacen Italia'.
With the end of the First World War, Vincenzo along with his sons decided to return to Naples and opened their business in Piazza Nicola Amore, which today is still the home to F.lli Caccioppoli. Cosimo and Antonio, the younger children of Vincenzo soon joined the company.
Since the establishment of F.lli Caccioppoli in Naples, it has become a reference point for fine fabrics for the entire city, Italy and the world.
The collection is the result of experience that comes from centuries-old activity and passion of young buyers. Caccioppoli is able to offer its customers a timeless collection that expresses perfectly the taste of elegance.